Electric diaphragm pump use and maintenance precautions and methods

Release time:2022-11-17Popularity:6

Electric diaphragm pump operation and operation should pay attention to the following points electric diaphragm pump - flow characteristics Electric diaphragm pump flow characteristics refers to the medium through the valve relative flow and displacement (the relative opening of the valve) between the relationship, the ideal flow characteristics are mainly linear, such as percentage (logarithm), parabola and fast opening 4. Commonly used ideal flow characteristics only straight line, equal percentage (logarithm), fast open three. Parabolic flow characteristics between the line and the percentage, generally available to replace the percentage characteristics, and the fast opening characteristics are mainly used for two adjustment and program control, so the diaphragm pump characteristics is actually the choice of linear and percentage flow characteristics.

The choice of flow characteristics of electric diaphragm pump can be calculated theoretically, but the methods and equations used are very complicated. Most of the empirical criteria are adopted, which are considered from the following aspects: 1. Analyze and select the adjustment quality of the adjustment system; 2, from the process piping consideration; 3, from the load change analysis.

Diaphragm pump operation should pay attention to the following points 1, to ensure that the largest particles contained in the fluid is not greater than the maximum safe through the diaphragm pump particle diameter benchmark.

2, the intake pressure should not be greater than the maximum allowable use pressure of the pump, greater than the rated pressure of compressed air may cause personal injury and property losses and damage the performance of the pump.

3, to ensure that the diaphragm pump pressure pipeline system can withstand the highest output pressure, to ensure the clean and smooth working conditions of the driving gas system.

4, electrostatic sparks may cause accidents leading to personal injury and damage to property, according to the need to use large enough cross-sectional area of the wire, the diaphragm pump on the ground screw properly and reliably grounded.

5. Grounding requirements are consistent with local laws and regulations and some out-of-line requirements on the spot.

6, firmly diaphragm pump and the connecting pipe joints, avoid vibration impact rubbing electrostatic sparks. Use an antistatic hose.

7. To periodically carry out "physical examination" to test the reliability of the ground system, the ground resistance is required to be less than 100 ohms.

8, maintain good gas transmission and ventilation, distance from flammable and explosive and heat sources.

9, the exhaust of the pump may contain solid k_b5xd, do not exhaust nozzle to the work area or people, so as to avoid personal injury.

10, when the diaphragm failure, the conveying material will overflow from the exhaust.

11. When transporting flammable and toxic fluids, please connect the outlet to a safe place distant from the working area.

12. The high pressure of the fluid may cause serious personal injury and property loss. Please do not carry out any maintenance work on the pump and material pipe system while the pump is pressurized. If you want to do maintenance, cut off the pump intake first, open the bypass pressure relief mechanism to relieve the pressure of the pipeline system, and slowly loosen the connected pipe joints.

13, such as the delivery of harmful and toxic fluid pump, please do not send the pump directly to the manufacturer to repair. Handle according to local laws and regulations.

14. Ensure that all parts in contact with the conveying body will not be damaged by the erosion of the conveying fluid.

15, guarantee that all the operators skilled operation and grasp the safety of the use of the pump precautions, if necessary, the allocation of necessary protective equipment.




Shanghai Sosy Technology Co., LTD