Electric diaphragm pump engine temperature is too high how to deal with?

Release time:2022-11-14Popularity:2

Electric diaphragm pump engine temperature is too high how to deal with?

When the engine is running in the process of high water temperature fault, should observe the fault phenomenon and find out the cause of elimination. First, check whether the water temperature meter is malfunctioning. If damaged, it should be replaced in time. Then check the water tank for lack of water, water inlet pipes and radiators for damage and leakage. In addition to observing the leak directly from the outside, you can also inspect the leak by pumping water. The leaking part of the radiator can be repaired by welding. If the heat pipe breaks, the two ends may become blocked. Minor leaks found during work can be plugged with soap and repaired after stopping.

Electric diaphragm pump engine temperature is too high reasons: 1. Cooling system leakage or insufficient cooling water; 2. The water temperature indicator is inaccurate or fails; 3. The cooling system is too large, resulting in poor heat dissipation; 4. The radiator shield net or the air channel of the radiator core is blocked by debris, resulting in poor heat dissipation; 5. Pump and fan belts are too loose or damaged; 6. Pump damage, fan blade inversion or deformation, wind ring damage; 7. The thermostat is damaged in the closed position of the main valve; 8. The engine is overloaded for a long time and the fuel is supplied too late.

If it is not for the above reasons, it is necessary to further check whether the engine housing has cracks and whether the water blocking ring is damaged. Also check the pump drainage holes for leaks. Finally check that the radiator cap exhaust valve is invalid. If it fails, it should be replaced. Electric diaphragm pump engine overheating is a variety of reasons, and the above method can be flexibly used to check and eliminate according to the specific situation.




Shanghai Sosy Technology Co., LTD