What are the causes of pneumatic diaphragm pump diaphragm damage?

Release time:2022-10-29Popularity:4

What are the causes of pneumatic diaphragm pump diaphragm damage?

1, pneumatic diaphragm pump diaphragm control rod support wear serious, the control rod eccentric, subsidence, diaphragm stress increase, easy to crack diaphragm.

2, the unit pressure difference, cause diaphragm pump overpressure, diaphragm withstand instantaneous force increase caused by rupture.

3. Nitrogen pack is pre-filled with 2.2mpa nitrogen, which has good resistance effect. During operation, the pressure reflected on the pressure gauge is the operating pressure rather than the pressure of the nitrogen package (which can be seen only when the pump is stopped). If the nitrogen package is damaged or the pressure decreases during operation, the diaphragm runs in the state of no resistance, resulting in hydraulic imbalance and diaphragm damage easily caused by impact.

4, pneumatic diaphragm pump diaphragm itself is of poor quality, non-elastic, low material strength.

5, the feed contains 3-8mm stone or large material and the solid mass percentage of the slurry is more than 20%, causing the stuck valve, resulting in pump pressure fluctuation, or because of the valve assembly, the positioning of the valve cone is not correct, causing the stabbing valve, resulting in the diaphragm instantaneous force increase caused by rupture.

6. Due to the constant volume of pneumatic diaphragm pump, if the feed is unstable and the pressure is low, the material level of the feed compensator is lower than 1.2m, and the material level in the pressure stabilizer is abnormal. When the feed is fed, the slurry in the pump is separated to form a gap, resulting in a lack of material, empty pump, hammer or impact or even cavitation, which increases the variable stress and frequency of the diaphragm, resulting in fatigue damage or breakdown of the diaphragm.

7, pneumatic diaphragm pump diaphragm chamber air is not clean, the volume of gas with the change of the pressure of the propulsion fluid changes, the formation of an air hammer, diaphragm local force increases, the diaphragm will be broken.

8, the feed temperature exceeds the specified 100°c, accelerate the diaphragm aging, at the same time, the material will produce steam in the steam bubble, gas into the diaphragm chamber or unloading valve leakage, the pressure of the pushing fluid is reduced, resulting in uneven diaphragm force, fatigue damage.




Shanghai Sosy Technology Co., LTD